Step 1

Congratulations you've passed the test. You have your learners permit. You are already bugging your parents to let you drive. You think the hard part is over.

You may want to take a moment and introduce your parents to this web site. Show them how responsible you were to find it. Plus you want to give them a chance to see how much you know and they have forgotten.

Try this, MOM, I really don't what you to start teaching me how to drive until you review the new and modern rules.

Now you can go back to bugging your parents..

Click here for the next step.

It is highly recommended that you enroll in Drivers Education at you local high school. You still have much to learn and it will save you some money on your car insurance.

Another important safety tip is to always have proper insurance. There are many options such as this auto insurance Milton company which can provide you with comprehensive vehicle insurance.





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