The Commercial Drivers License (CDL)


The Commercial Drivers License


If you’re in an accident and not seriously hurt you need to act to prevent further damage or injury. The basic steps to be taken at any accident are to:

• Protect the area.

• Notify authorities.

• Care for injured.

Protect the Area

The first thing to do at an accident scene is to keep another accident from happening at the same spot.

To protect the accident area:

• If your vehicle is involved in the accident, try to get it to the side of the road. This will help prevent another accident and allow traffic to move.

• If you’re stopping to help, park away from the accident. The area immediately around the accident will be needed for emergency vehicles.

• Put on your flashers.

• Set out reflective triangles to warn other traffic.

Make sure they can be seen by other drivers in time for them to avoid the accident.

Notify Authorities

If you have a CB, put out a call over the emergency channel, or if you have a cellular phone, use it, before you get out of your vehicle. If not, wait until after the accident scene has been properly protected, then go to phone or send someone to phone the police. Try to determine where you are so you can give the exact location. Care for Injured If a qualified person is at the accident and helping the injured, stay out of the way unless asked to assist. Otherwise, do the best you can to help any injured persons. Here are some simple steps to follow in giving assistance:

• Don’t move a severely injured person unless the danger of fire or passing traffic makes it necessary.

• Stop heavy bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound.

• Keep the injured person warm.




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This site is meant to enhance your learning of the Rules of the Road and is not intended to replace the Drivers Manual supplied by the Motor Vehicle Department of your State. Send mail to web master with questions or comments about this web site.

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