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Traffic signs give you information about the road, the highway system, traffic
flow, and the local regulations and laws.

The shapes and colors of traffic signs have specific meanings and you have to be
able to recognize them immediately.

Why? Even if a stop sign is damaged or blocked by
dirt or snow, you know by the octagonal shape and red color that you must stop.

Warning Signs

They warn you about hazards, identify your route, and direct the speed and movement of traffic.

Informational Signs

They provide directions and let you know about places of interest, from the huge overhead green inter-state

to the little blue rectangles that direct you to a library or hospital.

Learn the standard colors and shapes so you know what a sign means, even at a

For example, a rectangle is always a regulatory sign, telling you about
laws and regulations or giving you instructions.

Regulatory Signs

Speed limit signs are regulatory.
Signs, Signals, and Markings

You must know the what the colors and shapes of traffic signs mean.

Why? It is part of the test, but more than that, if a stop sign is damaged or blocked by
dirt or snow, you know by the octagonal shape and red color that you must stop.

Take practice sign tests to test your knowledge level.




You can click on the safety tips for more information.

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